Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Fruits of Your Labor: Making Money with Google AdSense

It's been a while since I have really put any work into anything related to Google AdSense - but I am starting to realize it was a good choice to start again!

There are tons of people that you can find online that claim to make "X" amount of money a month from AdSense. I saw many videos on YouTube and articles, blogs, etc. and in, I guess, 2004 - I started really playing around with it. Didn't really have much luck.

In April of this year, 2012, I started placing ads on some of my YouTube channels and here on Blogger. I am not sure whether or not to contribute my recent, rapid increase in AdSense earnings to the introduction of ads to my videos, or the overall increase in the content I have been publishing online - but I have finally proven to myself that this program really works.

Since April of this year, my earnings have doubled or more - every month. I am getting excited punching the numbers for a year or two from now! Not to get my hopes up - but you gotta go big!

I look forward to having more good things to say about my experiences with Google AdSense here in the very near future.

Thanks for reading. -BLL

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